
  • Inuwa Bukar Lawan
  • Zaynab Muhammad Chellube
  • Joseph Clement Akan


Heavy Metals, Kwayakusar, Shani, Physicochemical, Soil


Kwayakusar and Shani local government areas are known for intensive agricultural activities for both commercial and consumption purposes and use tones of agrochemicals for soil amendment to improve harvest. These agrochemicals and other sources introduces heavy metals in the soil, hence, the need to access the level of some heavy metals and physicochemical parameters changes in the soil. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer was used to determine the concentration of the heavy metals in the soil. Determinations of pH, conductivity, cation exchange capacity (CEC) organic carbon, organic matter, calcium, sodium and potassium were carried out using standard methods. The pH of the soil from the two local government area ranged from 5.74E+00 to 6.54E+00, while electrical conductivity varies from 1.90E+01 to 4.11E+02 µScm-1with the highest concentration being observed in the soil from Gashina agricultural location at Kwayakusar local government area. The levels of cation exchange capacity ranged from 8.09E+00 to 6.92E+01 C.mol/kg with the highest concentration also detected in Gashina agricultural location from Kwayakusar local government area. Organic carbon in the soil samples from the two local governments’ agricultural locations ranged from 5.09E-01 to 4.06E+00 %, while organic matter varies from 1.17E+00 to 7.10E+00 %. The maximum percentage of 4.06E+00 % organic carbon was observed in the Gashina agricultural location at Kwayakusar local government area, while the minimum percentage of 5.09E-01 % was observed in the soil from Lukundum agricultural location in Shani local government area. For organic matter, the maximum percentage of 7.00E+00 % was detected in the soil from Gashina agricultural location at Kwayakusar local government area, while the minimum percentage of 1.17E+00 % was observed in the soil from Lukundum agricultural location at Shani local government area. Calcium ranged from 4.60E+00 to 2.10E+01 Mg/Kg; for sodium, it ranged from 5.00E-02 to 3.30E-01 Mg/Kg; while potassium ranged from 1.50E-01 to 2.94 mg/kg.  The level of Ca, Na and K in the soil samples from the two Local Government agricultural locations increases with increase in depth.Thus,the concentrations of heavy metals in the soils samples obtained from the present study were higher than the FAO standard.

Keywords: Heavy Metals; Kwayakusar; Shani; Physicochemical; Soil

Author Biographies

Inuwa Bukar Lawan

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry University of Maiduguri, P.M.B 1069, Maiduguri Borno State, Nigeria

Zaynab Muhammad Chellube

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry University of Maiduguri, P.M.B 1069, Maiduguri Borno State, Nigeria

Joseph Clement Akan

Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry University of Maiduguri, P.M.B 1069, Maiduguri Borno State, Nigeria


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